Why ear cleaning is important
The primary goal of an ear cleaner is to remove excessive discharge or wax from the ear canal with the least amount of irritation to the ear. Excessive wax and discharge creates a favorable environment for bacteria and yeast to grow, which can lead to infection. Ear cleaning may be recommended in conjunction with medications to treat infections, or as a preventive measure.
- Apply a generous amount of ear cleaning solution into the ear canal. Massage the base of the ear to disperse the cleaning solution deep into the ear canal.
- Allow your pet to shake its head to remove the solution. This is best done outside to prevent soiling carpet, walls, etc. If there is a lot of debris in the ear, you may have to repeat the application until the cleaning solution is clear of debris.
- As a final step, you can use cotton balls to absorb the excess solution from the ear canal and to gently wipe away any loose debris from the surface of the ear. Do not use cotton swabs or Q-tips® for cleaning as they can push wax further into the ear canal or damage the eardrum. The frequency of cleaning will vary according to your veterinarian’s recommendations.
When to contact your veterinarian
If you notice excessive head shaking or pain associated with your pet’s ears, or the condition persists after following the prescribed treatment, contact your local veterinary hospital.
These symptoms could indicate a foreign body is present in the ear canal. Do not attempt to clean the ear as this could push the foreign body deeper into the ear canal, causing further damage. If you suspect a foreign body is present, contact your veterinarian.